Monday, October 6, 2008

WIRED NextFest 2008 Exhibits

At first glance I was confused at what the website was about. I mean I saw all the different exhibits but I did not know how they related. The only thing I got out of it was that they are all some sort of inventions.

The first exhibit that caught my eye was the "Cell Phone Disco". The exhibit has changed the conventional way a cellphone is used. The thing that caught my eye though was the fact the artist decided to use the cellphone with a different technology. This is showing the different ways technology can be used. I never considered using a cell phone to "draw" on a canvas. It is impressive that someone would even think to do that.

The next exhibit that I was interested in was the "Solid Ink". I never considered that ink could be related to technology. I think it is interesting how two different aspects of art are incoporated into one. The ink is a drawing tool and the printer in the techology made to transfer documents from computer to paper. The solid ink was invented to help the environment.

The last exhibit that I noticed was C-Leg System. This invention hit close to home because I have known two people have needed synthetic legs. This just proved that technology has come so far and can impact lives in may benificial ways.

This website has made me come to realize the different aspects of technology. Before this class I had no conception of what the real meaning of technology was. But I am growing a new respect for the aspects of technology I did not realize before.